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Age/Gender: 16, Male
Location: hell
Job: Nothing! Maybe drawing....

Hi!!! I'm Kakuyamii, a total nerd who totally didn't entirely dissect old newgrounds code to make this! Please don't sue me tom fulp I love you...mwah...

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Level: 24

Rank: Civilian
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Exp. Points: 6,325 / 6,400
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New Neocities & why!

Posted by kakuyamii Jun. 15, 2024 @ 11:41 PM EDT

So....Been a while isn't it? My old site looked...completely different last time, didn't it!?

So, after a...long night and day of thinking, I figured...why don't I make things a little more nostalgic? And yes, i'm keeping the dates accurate. I know, it really sucks getting the immersion ruined it, doesn't it really? But well I believe I'm getting sidetracked. I betcha that you're wondering...Wow, did this guy really spend hours downloading a shit ton of old newgrounds assets just to make a corny little neocities page, for not many people to see? And to your concern: Yes! I absolutely did, and I don't care how stupid it is! I think it's cool personally. Anyway.... How about for a little blog action?
I believe I got some good stuff to share, so I'll go right on ahead: Plans for the site? Plans for the artworks? Plans for animations or whatnot? A COMIC!? You'll hear it out now!
Well, me and my friends for a while have been cooking up a comic called (speculative and not totally for sure at the MOMENT) UN3R-D05Z__. I'm not gonna reveal much, but i'll give a little synopsis...."A local gang of hooligans aim to dominate the streets in a world completely unfair, with the aim to be the kings of the streets. But, Is it truly just that...?" Lame, I know, but I promise we'll put as much effort as we can into making it good!

Well, I know..I've been pretty slacking in art lately, but that's prone to change once school is over and all that jazz. I've been pretty busy with self education with books, sooooo...Expect less art probably! I've also been learning guitar, so maybe, just maybe....I can show it to the world what true rockstar I am.....not!

Do I really plan to forever keep the site like this? Absolutely, yes. Though, this news page will probably just be a blog for whenever I want to spout any sort of bullshit. I'll keep an archive of the last one every time, so don't worry about the "kaku lost media" if anyone even cares all, which they clearly do not.

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